
Membership Year 2024/25

How to Join Settle District u3a

Our membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June

Once you have joined as a member you will be able to sign in to the members’ section of our website where you can find details about how to join groups.

Your membership fee to us covers a member fee we pay to the national u3a organisation. You will also be able to sign in to the national website and receive a postal copy of the national u3a magazine, Third Age Matters (TAM).

How to join

We will need you to complete our membership form – see below.

If you are paying by bank transfer (BACS) completed forms can be emailed to me at

If you are paying by cheque or cash please print off our membership form and send this and your payment to me at: Sandholme Barn, Bankwell Road, Giggleswick BD24 0AN.

If you would like a paper copy of the membership or gift aid form posted to you, please let me know.

Gift Aid

It helps us if we are able to claim gift aid on your membership fee and any additional donations. If you are eligible please complete and return the gift aid form below.

 Also, voluntary donations in addition to the membership fee are always welcome and help us to run our u3a.

 Membership fees for 2024/25

Individual membership fee – £15

Joint membership – £29 (for partners/spouses living at the same address)

Fees for new members only joining after 1 January are £7.50 (Individual) or £14.50 (Joint).

If you will it difficult to find the money to pay the membership fee in one go, please contact me in confidence to talk through options.

WestNet – if you are a member of another WestNet u3a (Bradford or Ilkley) no fee

Associate – if you are currently a member of any other u3a the annual fee is £11.50 for an individual and £23.00 for joint membership.

If you have any questions at all about membership at Settle District u3a please do ask and we look forward to you joining us.


Membership Secretary


Please email any forms/queries to:

Click here to download a Microsoft Word copy of the form

or here is an online PDF that can also be downloaded and / or printed

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