Settle District U3A – Health and Safety Guidelines
Heath and safety is everybody’s responsibility. It is incumbent on all those involved to behave in a way that is safe to themselves and others and to report anything that might be hazardous so that it can be put right.
To this effect group organisers should
- Keep an accurate and up to date register for each class
- At the first session check emergency contact numbers and details of any relevant medical issues or disabilities
- Be aware of the guidelines issued by venues in the event of a fire or an accident
- Check the venue for the class carefully in order to identify potential hazards which should be removed or brought to the attention of participants.
- Where appropriate either because of the nature of the activity or the composition of the group a risk assessment should be completed with the help of the secretary. Templates are available on the U3A website.
- Check electrical equipment before use and report any concerns to the secretary
- Follow up all incidents where health and safety has been compromised by contacting the secretary and completing an incident report. This should be done even if nobody is hurt in case lessons need to be learned.
If in doubt please err on the side of caution. It is better for people to be disappointed than hurt. You can always discuss anything relating to health and safety with any member of the committee who will be only too happy to help.