

Settle District U3A Advertising Policy


The Settle District U3A’s (sdu3a) stated aims are to encourage, enable and facilitate members to keep their minds and bodies in good order through learning, exercise and enjoyment – to learn, laugh and live. It is non-political and non-religious and is based on the principles of self learning and mutual aid. This policy is designed to set out the parameters within which Settle District U3A (sdu3a) can and should use its influence to advertise and promote the work of other organisations or individuals through its website, its social media accounts and its printed materials including the newsletter and website.


The following are appropriate things that the Settle District U3A (sdu3a) might advertise

• Information and resources about existing or proposed Settle District U3A (sdu3a) groups and meetings

• Information and resources about existing or proposed groups and meetings offered by organisations other than the U3A and whose aims reflect those of Settle District U3A (sdu3a)

• Information and resources available externally that might improve the opportunities to study that exist for members

Requests from local community organisations for advertising or other support should be considered on a case by case basis, decided in committee or via an exchange of e-mails where a decision is required in advance of the committee’s next meeting.

Settle District U3A’s (sdu3a) monthly talks should not be used primarily to promote individual commercial organisations. The authors of publications of interest to members – and speakers from charities and not-for-profit organisations – are acceptable provided the talk is for information only ie it is not used to sell products or raise funds directly. Where information and resources promoted or advertised by Settle District U3A (sdu3a) generate income this should be permitted but it should never be the prime motive. In such cases Settle District U3A (sdu3a) reserves the right to negotiate a fee.

Availability and changes to this policy

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Committee. It is available on the Settle District U3A (sdu3a) website or by contacting a Committee member. This policy may change from time to time. Members will be informed via the newsletter and/or the monthly meetings when any material changes are made to Settle District U3A’s (sdu3a) policies and procedures. Members should contact any member of the Committee if they have any queries about this policy, need it in an alternative format, or have any complaints about our advertising practices.

Date of next review

November 2024