To support and encourage the leaders and members of both continuing groups and new groups.
To liaise with venue providers re cost and group use.
To update the Timetable with group use and equipment use.
To update the Room Hire document annually.
To update the Group activities document annually.
To update the projected Room Hire costs document annually, ensure that group leaders are choosing appropriate venues keeping cost, location and room size in mind.
To supply information to the publicity officer for the information leaflet annually.
To submit a Group Coordinators report to the committee monthly.
Assisting the webmaster as website editor would be useful but not essential to the role.
Help group leaders to use the Beacon system to administer their groups. Liaise with the Beacon administrator to support new group leaders. The Group coordinator has administrative overview of every group via the Beacon system.
March / April: Ask via the newsletter and or Beacon if there are any ideas for new groups. A new group must have a leader, never start a new group without a leader in the hope that a leader will step forward.
March / April: Help organise the group leaders lunch with all other committee members.
June: Check with all leaders if they wish to continue with their group and make any changes known to the committee and Beacon administrator. Update the Timetable and The About Settle document. Ask continuing leaders to update the group description on the Beacon system and to check that the website Timetable, Group pages and About Settle Leaflet are correct.
July: Contact all group leaders to start arrangements for the August Open Meeting, with received information; design the room layout for both rooms. Send these room plans to all group leaders and committee members via email. Ask group leaders to update the list of members on Beacon.
Contact venue providers to thank them and to obtain room hire rates for next year.
August: The open meeting is held on the 2nd Thursday. Provide a printed room plan and provide registration sheets with space for name and number for each group. Visit all groups present at the event. Input the information from the sign up sheets onto Beacon for those group leaders who struggle with technology. Ensure all group leaders have access to risk assessment templates via on-line links and paper where necessary.
Updated August 2024