Monthly Speakers

Monthly Speaker Programme 2024/25

St John’s Church

Thursday 12th September Brad Gibson; Are we alone in the universe?

Thursday 10th October Neil Hanson;  Tales of life at the highest pub in Britain. 

Thursday 14th November AGM

Thursday 12th December Christmas Social

Thursday 9th January Pippa Doran; Art History, Religious paintings and Pilgrimage.

Thursday 13th February Malcom Brook; The Rise and Fall of The Berlin Wall.

Thursday 13th March Dr. David Johnson Settle, a short history.

Thursday 10th April Loren Cafferty; The Witches of Lancashire.

Thursday 8th May Johanne Aston; Pilgrimage to Santiago.

Thursday 12th June Tony Burkitt; Patagonia.

Thursday 10th July Jeff Jacklin; Life in The NHS. It only hurts when I laugh.

Thursday 14th August Open Meeting and Membership Renewal.

Monthly Speaker Programme 2023/24

St John’s Church

Thurs 14th September Andy Fox from North Yorkshire Police: How to spot fraud and how to protect yourself

Thurs 12th October Roger Brown, Musician; The Great American songbook

Thurs 9th November AGM

Thurs 14th December Christmas Social at Victoria Hall

Thurs 11th January John Dawson from Bleak Bank Farm Clapham; From the TV series The Lakes and Dales Farm Life

Thurs 8th February Peter Mathers; Paradise revisited; Royal Gardens

Thurs 14th March Martin Lunn; A ramble through the Solar System

Thurs 11th April Derek Barker; Introduction to Archeology

Thurs 9th May Elizabeth Smith from The Commonwealth War Graves Commission; History and ongoing work

Thurs 13th June Chris Helm; Nostalgia, Holidays of the past

Thurs 11th July Robert Ashford from The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority; Work of The National Park Authority

Thurs 8th August Open meeting and membership renewal

Monthly Speaker Programme 2022/23

St John’s Church

Thurs 8th September Settle District u3a anniversary

Thurs 13th October Hilary Ashton; Life and Times of composer Ernest Thompson  

Thurs 10th November AGM

Thurs 8th December Christmas social

Thurs 12th January Alan Hemsworth; Rudyard Kipling

Thurs 9th February Andy Swinscoe: Cheese and cheese making at The Courtyard Dairy

Thurs 9th March Philip Caine; Barrow to Bagdad and back

Thurs 13th April Alsion Mees; Living the African Dream

Thurs 11th May Susan Parry; From forensics to crime fiction

Thurs 8th June Ranjit Arora; Himalayan foothills to The Yorkshire Dales

Thurs 13th July Graham Mitchel; Richard III The Northern King as Duke and King

Thurs 3rd August Open Meeting and Membership renewal


Monthly Speaker Programme 2021/22

St John’s Church

Thurs 14th October – In search of the North West Passage – Harold Hoggarth

Thurs 11th November – Killers – Les Chandler

Thurs 9th December  –  Christmas Party at Victoria Hall


Thurs January 13th – Unexpected Findings from the Graveyard – Sarah Lister

Thurs 10th February –  Wensleydale Cow Keepers in Liverpool  – Karen Griffiths

Thurs 10th March – An Archaeology of Aunt Sally – Dr David Johnson

Thurs 14th April –   IDAS – Joyce Thacker

Thurs 12th May –  The College of Arms, London – Sir Thomas Woodcock,

                             (Former Garter Principal King Of Arms)

Thurs 9th June –  SlowWays  – Rob Bushby

                           ( A Community Interest Company working to create a trusted, national 

                                  network of walking routes connecting all GB towns and cities. 

                                  Awarded National Lottery ‘Growing Great Ideas’ Funding of three 

                                  million pounds over the next seven years) 

Thurs 14th July –  Miracle in Manchester  –  Geoff Scargill 

                            ( The story of the Halle Orchestra)

Thurs  11th August  –  Membership Meeting

Thurs  8th September    –   AGM

Thurs 13th October – The Life of Ernest Tomlinson MBE   –   Hilary Ashton

                           ( An English composer, noted for his light music compositions)


Due to current circumstances the published list may change at short notice.  Zoom, zoom

20/21 Programme

8th October 2020 – ‘Under the influence’ – Andy Smith
Talk with songs and anecdotes performed on various
guitars and ukulele.
12 November 2020 – ‘Intriguing Tales from the Graveyard’ – Sarah Lister
10 December 2020 – AGM and Christmas Meeting
14 January 2021 – ‘The Birth of the Hoax in the 18th Centuary’ – Ian Keable
11 February 2021 – ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’, the most
important cell lines in medical history – Andy Wilson
11 March 2021 – ‘ An Introduction to The Light Music Society Library’
– Hilary Ashton
8 April 2021 – ‘The Road Before Us’ – our evolving roads
– Dr Ian Saunders
13 May 2021 – ‘The Spy Who Solved His Own Murder – Alexander Litvinenko’ – Paul Barwick 
10 June 2021 – ‘National Parks in Britain, 70th Anniversary and beyond’.  Malcolm Petyt
8 July 2021 – ‘William the Conqueror and the Harrying of the North’
– Gillian Waters
12 August 2021 – Membership Meeting
9 September 2021 – A.G.M.
14October 2021 – ‘In Search of the North West Passage’ Admiral Sir John Franklin’s Expedition of 1845 – Harold Hoggarth

U3A Programme

Victoria Hall

Coffee served from 10am


Thurs  9 Oct – Raikeswood Camp, Ann Buckley

Thurs  14 Nov – ‘542 in 2016’. Lakeland Peaks.  Bill Honeywell

Thurs 12 Dec – Christmas Party


 Thurs  9 Jan – Campbell’s Bluebird.  David Howard

Thurs  13 Feb – Cyber Crime and Internet Security  NY Police

Thurs 12 March –  From Markets to Supermarkets. Dr M. Winstanley. Cancelled

Thurs 9 April – Our Evolving Roads and their Users. Ian Saunders Cancelled

Thurs 14 May – ‘A Message to the Children’ Jim Williams

Thurs 11 June – The Journeys of Lady Ann Clifford. Sheila Gordon

Thurs 9 July – Tales of a Heathrow Customs Officer. Brian Topping

Thurs 13 Aug – Membership

Thurs 10 Sept – AGM

Thurs 8 Oct – ‘Archaeology of Aunt Sally’.  Dr David Johnson.

Thurs 12 Nov – T.B.A.

Thurs 10 Dec – Christmas Party