Data Protection


⦁ Protects itself from the risks of a data breach

Settle District U3A Data Protection Policy


This policy applies to the work of Settle District U3A (sdu3a). It sets out the requirements that Settle District U3A (sdu3a) has to collect and process information for membership and safeguarding purposes. The policy details how personal information will be collected, stored and managed in line with data protection principles and the General Data Protection Regulation. The policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis by committee members to ensure that Settle District U3A remains compliant and should be read in tandem with the organisation’s privacy policy

This data protection policy is designed to ensure that Settle District U3A(sdu3a) ⦁ Complies with data protection law and follows good practice
⦁ Protects the rights of members
⦁ Is open about how it stores and processes members data

General Guidelines

The only people able to access data covered by this policy should be those who need to communicate with or provide a service to Settle District U3A (sdu3a) members. All those with access to this data will be provided with induction training to help them understand their responsibilities when handling data.

Committee members and group convenors should keep all data secure, by taking sensible precautions and following the guidelines below.

⦁ Strong passwords must be used, and they should never be shared.
⦁ Paying for firewall security to be put onto committee members’ laptops or other devices

⦁ Data should not be shared outside of the Settle District U3A (sdu3a) unless with prior consent and/or for specific and agreed reasons. Examples would include Gift Aid information provided to HMRC or information provided to the distribution company for the Trust publications.

⦁ Member information should be refreshed periodically to ensure accuracy, via the membership renewal process or when policy is changed

⦁ Additional support will be available from the Third Age Trust where uncertainties or incidents regarding data protection arise.

Data Protection Principles

⦁ Principle 1 – Personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner

The General Data Protection Regulation identifies key data protection principles

⦁ Principle 2 – Personal data must be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; further processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes shall not be considered to be incompatible with the initial purposes.

⦁ Principle 3 – The collection of personal data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed

⦁ Principle 4 – Personal data held should be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay

⦁ Principle 5 – Personal data must kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for the which the personal data are processed; personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest , scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the GDPR in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals

⦁ Principle 6 – Personal data must be processed in accordance a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures

Lawful, Fair and Transparent Data Processing

Settle District U3A (sdu3a) requests personal information from potential members and members for membership applications and for sending communications regarding members’ involvement with the U3A. Members will be informed as to why the information is being requested and what the information will be used for. The lawful basis for obtaining member information is due to the legitimate interest relationship that the U3A has with individual members. In addition, members will be asked to provide consent for specific processing purposes such as the taking of photographs. Members will be informed as to who they need to contact should they wish for their data not to be used for specific purposes for which they have provided consent. Where these requests are received, they will be acted upon promptly and the member will be informed as to when the action has been taken

Members will be informed as to how their information will be used and the Committee will seek to ensure that member information is not used inappropriately.

Appropriate use of information provided by members will include
⦁ Communicating with members about Settle District U3A (sdu3a) events and activities ⦁ Group leaders communicating with group members about specific group activities

⦁ Member information will be provided to the distribution company that sends out the Trust publication – Third Age Matters. Members will be informed and have a choice as to whether or not they wish to receive the publication

⦁ Sending members information about Third Age Trust events and activities

⦁ Communicating with members about their membership and/or renewal of their membership

⦁ Communicating with members about specific issues that may have arisen during the course of their membership

Settle District U3A (sdu3a) will ensure that group leaders are made aware of what would be considered appropriate and inappropriate communication. Inappropriate communication would include sending members marketing and/or promotional materials from external service providers.

Settle District U3A (sdu3a) will ensure that members’ information is managed in such a way as to not infringe an individual members rights which include

⦁ The right to be informed ⦁ The right of access
⦁ The right to rectification ⦁ The right to erasure

⦁ The right to restrict processing ⦁ The right to data portability
⦁ The right to object

Adequate, relevant and limited data processing

Members of Settle District U3A (sdu3a) will only be asked to provide information that is relevant for membership purposes. This will include: name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, Gift Aid entitlement. Where additional information may be required such as health related information this will be obtained with the consent of the member who will be informed as to why this information is required and the purpose that it will be used for. Where Settle District U3A (sdu3a) organises a trip or activity that requires next of kin information to be provided, a legitimate interest assessment will have been completed in order to request this information.


Photographs are classified as personal data. Where group photographs are being taken members will be asked to step out of shot if they don’t wish to be in the photograph. Otherwise consent will be obtained from members in order for photographs to be taken and members will be informed as to where photographs will be displayed. Should a member wish at any time to remove their consent and to have their photograph removed then they should contact the Publicity Officer to advise that they no longer wish their photograph to be displayed

Accuracy and currency of data

Settle District U3A (sdu3a) has a responsibility to ensure members’ information is kept up to date. Members will be informed to let the membership secretary know if any of their personal information changes. In addition, on an annual basis, the membership renewal process will provide an opportunity for any changes of personal information to be communicated,

Accountability and governance

The Committee of Settle District U3A (sdu3a) is responsible for ensuring that it remains compliant with data protection requirements and can evidence that it has. Where consent is required for specific purposes then evidence of this consent (either electronic or paper) will be obtained and retained securely. Committee Members will stay up to date with guidance and practice within the U3A movement and will seek advice from the Third Age Trust National Office should any uncertainties arise. The Committee will review data protection requirements on an ongoing basis as

well as reviewing who has access to date and how data is stored and deleted. When Committee members and group leaders relinquish their roles, they will be asked to either pass on data to those who need it and/or delete data.

Subject Access Request

All Settle District U3A (sdu3a) members can access their personal data through the members section of the website. Those unable to access this data for whatever reason are entitled to request access to the information that is held about them by Settle District U3A (sdu3a). The request needs to be received in the form of a written request to the Membership Secretary. On receipt of the request, the request will be formally acknowledged and dealt with expediently (the legislation requires that information should generally be provided within one month) unless there are exceptional circumstances as to why the request cannot be granted. Settle District U3A (sdu3a) will provide a written response detailing all information held on the member. A record shall be kept of the date of the request and the date of the response

Data Breach Notification

Were a data breach to occur action will be taken to minimise the harm. This will include ensuring that all Committee members are made aware that a breach has taken place and how the breach occurred. The Committee shall then seek to rectify the cause of the breach as soon as possible to prevent any further breaches. The Chair of Settle District U3A (sdu3a) will contact National Office as soon as possible after the breach has occurred to notify of the breach. A discussion will take place between the Chair and National Office as to the seriousness of the breach, action to be taken and, where necessary, the Information Commissioner’s Office would be notified. The Committee shall also contact the relevant members to inform them of the data breach and actions taken to resolve the breach. Where a member feels that there has been a breach by the Settle District U3A (sdu3a), a committee member will ask them to provide an outline of the breach. If the initial contact is by telephone, the committee member will ask the member to follow this up with an email or a letter detailing their concern. The alleged breach will then be investigated by members of the committee who are not in any way implicated in the breach. Where the committee needs support or if the breach is serious, they should notify National Office. The member should also be informed that they can report their concerns to National Office if they don’t feel satisfied with the response from the Settle District U3A (sdu3a). Breach matters will be subject to a full investigation, records will be kept and all those involved notified of the outcome.

Availability and changes to this policy

This policy and any appendices will be reviewed annually by the Committee. It is available on the Settle District U3A (sdu3a) website or by contacting a Committee member. This policy may change from time to time. Members will be informed via the newsletter and/or the monthly meetings when any material changes are made to Settle District U3A’s (sdu3a) policies and procedures. Members should contact any member of the Committee if they have any queries about this policy, need it in an alternative format, or have any complaints about data protection practices.

Date of next review

November 2024