Membership Secretary Role

Main Purpose
To manage the membership process and keep appropriate membership records in
line with Third Age Trust (TAT) and GDPR guidance
To provide relevant information on membership to the committee
To be a participative member of the committee and liaise with and support other
committee members in their roles

Key responsibilities

Managing the membership application process

To provide information to people interested in joining Settle District u3a
To respond in a reasonable time to enquiries from people interested in joining Settle
District u3a and provide appropriate information about the U3A organisation, Settle
District u3a and how to join as a member
To process membership applications using the Beacon system and issue membership
To liaise with the committee over any reasonable adjustments that might be needed
to ensure appropriate access for members
To review and keep the membership application form up to date
To review and ensure joining and renewing information on the website is up to date

New members
In liaison with the Chair and other committee members to organise regular new
members’ meetings
To collate new member feedback and report to committee
To liaise with the committee over any reasonable adjustments that might be needed
to ensure appropriate access for prospective new members
To organise the questionnaire for new members and report feedback to the

Membership Fees and Gift Aid
To liaise with the Treasurer to ensure that banking records of fees paid are accurate
To bank cheques and cash received for membership
To give members information about the gift aid scheme and encourage all eligible
members to sign up for gift aid

 To ensure that the Treasurer has all appropriate membership information so that
they can make an accurate gift aid claim to HMRC
To keep member gift aid declarations

Managing the annual renewal process

To manage and coordinate the annual renewal process
To send out appropriate renewal reminders by email (and letter if no email) when
renewal is due
To organise printing of membership cards for all those opting not to download from
To renew members on the Beacon system
To lapse any members who have not renewed after the 3 month grace period
Liaising with group leaders to ensure that all their group members have re-joined
Where appropriate, to investigate why members have not renewed, with a particular
focus on members who have not renewed after their first year and report to

Record Keeping
To keep appropriate and accurate records in line with GDPR requirements
To report membership information to the committee as requested
To delete/safely destroy information no longer needed in accordance with GDPR

To upload member data as requested by TAT (The Third Age Trust) via the online
portal to the distribution company for TAM – the Thursday Age Trust magazine
To provide a list of names and addresses of all members not using email for
distribution of the monthly newsletter
To carry out a comprehensive handover to the new Membership Secretary when the term in office finishes.

Updated November 2023