Settle District U3A – Role Description
- Assist the Chairperson in her/his duties, as required, providing encouragement and support.
- Take the Chairing role at Committee Meetings, in the absence of the Chairperson.
- Take the lead at Member Meetings, in the absence of the Chairperson.
- Attend Committee Meetings of Settle District U3A.
- Undertake such other duties, as determined by the Committee, which are acceptable to the Vice-Chairperson.
The Vice-Chairperson will need to be familiar with all necessary procedures and able to assume responsibility at short notice, if required to do so.
The role of the Vice-Chairperson is to stand in for the Chairperson. They can be given another specific role e.g. Regional Representative, Publicity Officer, Speaker Finder, – as agreed with other committee members.