Newsletter Editor Role Description

Each month, a newsletter is produced to share information from and for the groups, to advertise the Thursday open meeting and any other work and courses of interest from the wider U3As, both regional and national.
It is the role of the newsletter editor to receive copy from any member, either by email or hand written, edit these submissions and produce the newsletter.
Views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or the committee. The editor has the right to edit, cut or leave out contributions as needed, without consultation, in order to construct the newsletter.

The newsletter is scheduled to be issued a few days before the monthly meeting so the timeline is worked out backwards from that.

2nd Thursday of the month – monthly meeting
Monday or Tuesday before the monthly meeting – newsletter emailed to members
Weekend before monthly meeting – newsletter uploaded to the website and sent to the printers, who usually turn it around on the Monday.   (To be collected and taken to monthly meeting or distributed by Publicity/Membership roles)
Friday before monthly meeting – newsletter approved by committee, usually coinciding with the committee meeting (unless this has been rescheduled for some reason, and in that case approved by email).
Wednesday / Thursday before committee meeting – draft sent to committee for corrections
Monday before committee meeting – deadline for contributions, newsletter compiled, liaising with contributors as needed
A week before the deadline – reminder sent out to group leaders re the deadline

The full submission is uploaded to the website in accordance with the timeline.
The editor ensures the website version is put on the website and the printed version is sent to the printers for collection in time for the Thursday meetings for dissemination and collection.
Updated September 2024