Creative writing

This group is led by Liz Hampton

We are all born, I believe, with a sense of creativity in our souls; too often, however, the innate sense of beauty that resonates with our creative selves can be dulled as we allow more ‘rational’ and ‘intellectual’ things to occupy our thoughts and minds. 
All art forms aim to communicate a piece of the artist’s heart to the audience and each piece that is shared is a giving, in part, of ourselves. That is why in our Creative Writing group, one of my aims is to encourage and stimulate people to consider writing on themes that can sometimes reach deeper into their souls to draw out thoughts and even emotions that may have lain dormant for a long time. To offer vital contrast, lighter, more ‘fun’ themes will be offered as well!You are very welcome to join our group and explore ways in which we can begin to write our own lives in a safe environment. 

Members will be encouraged to develop their own areas of interest in a supportive group. Exercises, suggestions and homework will be geared to individual needs and there will be plenty of fun, inspiration, discussion and feedback. Suitable for both experienced writers and beginners. Participants are asked to bring pens, paper and an open mind.

We meet in the afternoon on the second Thursday in every month 2pm to 4pm at members homes.