Birdwatching Group Meeting – ‘Bird Brains’

Langcliffe Institute Langcliffe Institute, Langcliffe, North Yorkshire

For our second indoor meeting of the season Les Chandler takes us on a journey to discover whether birds are really as stupid as people think.

Birdwatching Group visit to Kendal


The River Kent at Kendal, between Watercrook and Sandy Bottoms, is a magnet for birds - both residents such as Common Sandpiper, Dipper and Kingfisher and migrants. Just about anything […]

Birdwatching Group visit to Arkengarthdale


After exploring the woods alongside Arkle Beck, alive with birds in Spring, we'll make our way up Slei Gill in a search for two of our more uncommon species: the […]

Birdwatching Group visit to Strid Woods, Bolton Abbey

Strid Woods, Bolton Abbey

Strid Woods are a lovely place to visit at any time but in early June they are alive with special birds: Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Redstart to name a […]