Birdwatching Group visit to Long Preston Deeps

Long Preston Deeps

The Deeps are renowned for beautiful scenery and abundant wildlife and at this time of year they are very attractive to migrating ducks, geese and waders.

Birdwatching Group visit to Crosby Coastal Park

Crosby Coastal Park

Crosby Coastal Park is famous for its migrating seabirds such as Little Gull and Leach's Petrel, but at any time of year there are more birds to see here than […]

Birdwatching Group visit to Sunderland Point

Sunderland Point

Sunderland Point is a magnet at this time of year for waders such as Grey Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit and Greenshank. It is also a good location for wintering thrushes.

Birdwatching Group Meeting

Langcliffe Institute Langcliffe Institute, Langcliffe, North Yorkshire

Our first indoor meeting of the year.

Birdwatching Group Meeting – ‘Bird Brains’

Langcliffe Institute Langcliffe Institute, Langcliffe, North Yorkshire

For our second indoor meeting of the season Les Chandler takes us on a journey to discover whether birds are really as stupid as people think.

Birdwatching Group visit to Kendal


The River Kent at Kendal, between Watercrook and Sandy Bottoms, is a magnet for birds - both residents such as Common Sandpiper, Dipper and Kingfisher and migrants. Just about anything […]

Birdwatching Group visit to Arkengarthdale


After exploring the woods alongside Arkle Beck, alive with birds in Spring, we'll make our way up Slei Gill in a search for two of our more uncommon species: the […]

Birdwatching Group visit to Strid Woods, Bolton Abbey

Strid Woods, Bolton Abbey

Strid Woods are a lovely place to visit at any time but in early June they are alive with special birds: Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Redstart to name a […]