Birdwatching Group visit to Pennington Flash

We had to cancel our planned visit to Pennington in 2021 so hopefully we'll make it this time. There are lots of species which call the Flash home so we should be rewarded for our patience.

Birdwatching Group visit to Barbondale

This delightful valley is home to some lovely upland species and at this time of year it should be welcoming its first summer migrants.

Birdwatching Group visit to Oxenber

This beautiful old wood is home to spectacular displays of bluebells, cowslips and oxslips and some delightful woodland species to boot. What more could anyone want?

Birdwatching Group visit to Heysham

With its nature reserve, shoreline, docks and power station outfall Heysham is home to a wide range of habitats and some spectacular birds. Just about anything can turn up here.

Birdwatching Group visit to Clapham Woods

These delightful woods are not just good to look at – they are home to some of our most delightful woodland species including Jay, pied flycatcher, redstart and woodpeckers.

Walking – Hellifield Circular

Starting from the car park at Hellifield Health Centre, this is an 8 mile circular walk on a mixture of paths, tracks and farmers fields with some boggy stretches.  

Birdwatching Group visit to South Walney Nature Reserve

Walney Island

With stunning views across Morecambe Bay, South Walney is a fantastic place for bird watching and home to the only grey seal colony in Cumbria. Depending on the weather we may also get the opportunity to help the bird observatory with its ringing programme.

Birdwatching Group visit to Rossall Point, Fleetwood


Lying at the entrance to Morecambe Bay, and its internationally significant population of wintering wildfowl, Rossall Point sits on a key migration route for seabirds and passerine migrants. This makes it a great vantage point for sea-watching and migrant-spotting