Circle Dancing

Victoria Hall Kirkgate, Settle, North Yorkshire

Starts Friday 13th September at 10.30 in The Main Hall of The Victoria Hall

Book Launch

Sydneys Settle

Elaine Sargeson who is in our Crime Novel Book Group is inviting all members to a BOOK LAUNCH of her new book, which is an historical crime novel called Never the Twain. Don't be fooled by the author being Jane Fenwick - this is the pen-name Elaine writes under. Never the Twain is an historical/crime/romance. […]

Holehird Garden Day trip

Holehird Garden

The Garden Visiting Group is going to Holehird Garden at Windermere on Monday 14th October, leaving the Rugby Club car park @ 10:30am. We are car sharing. Contact Chris Benn

Dance class

Victoria Hall Kirkgate, Settle, North Yorkshire

The dance class will start again on Monday 21st October at 2pm in the Victoria Hall. It's a fun class so grab a pair of dancing shoes and come along.

Speak to the Earth – anecdotes, reflections and poems

Quaker Meeting House, Kirkgate, Settle Quaker meeting House, Settle, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom An hour of anecdotes, reflections and poems. Jean Stevens launches her new collection of poems

Cheese and Wine Tasting

Courtyard Dairy Crows Nest Barn, Austwick

At The Courtyard Dairy with Andy Swinscoe. Tickets next available at the October meeting or contact Sue Simpson £16