Birdwatching Group visit to Staveley Nature Reserve

Staveley Nature Reserve

This fantastic nature reserve comprises a wide range of habitats including wet woodland, reed swamp, flower-rich wet grassland, hay meadow, woodland, pasture, open water and even arable land. Not surprisingly it is home to a wide range of birds. It has 45 breeding species and is extremely popular with migrants.  

Birdwatching Group visit to Semer Water Nature Reserve

Semer Water

Not for nothing is Semer Water known as ‘the pearl of Raydale’. This delightful natural lake, set in a steep-sided glacial valley, is attractive to both ducks and waders (including Curlew, Oystercatcher and Snipe) and much more besides.

Birdwatching Group visit to Grize Dale

Grize Dale

Little-known Grize Dale - on the edge of the Bowland Fells - combines a delightful mix of woodland, moorland and open water habitats, all of which are attractive to birds. Hen Harrier can be seen here as well Red Grouse and a number of woodland species. From Grizedale Bridge we’ll walk down the valley to […]

Birdwatching Group visit to Arnside Knott

Arnside Knott

Arnside Knott’s blend of limestone grassland and mixed woodland is nationally significant for wildlife, providing a home for a wide range of birds and other animals. It also affords wonderful views of Morecambe Bay and the Lake District beyond.

Birdwatching Group visit to Birk Bank

Birk Bank, Quernmore

This fascinating reserve, hugging the side of Clougha, combines moorland, mixed woodland and bog. It is home to typical moorland and woodland species, as well as an amazing variety of rare plants including the carnivorous sundew.

Birdwatching Group visit to Long Preston Deeps

Long Preston Deeps

The Deeps are renowned for beautiful scenery and abundant wildlife and at this time of year they are very attractive to migrating ducks, geese and waders.

Birdwatching Group visit to Crosby Coastal Park

Crosby Coastal Park

Crosby Coastal Park is famous for its migrating seabirds such as Little Gull and Leach's Petrel, but at any time of year there are more birds to see here than you can shake a stick at.

Birdwatching Group visit to Sunderland Point

Sunderland Point

Sunderland Point is a magnet at this time of year for waders such as Grey Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit and Greenshank. It is also a good location for wintering thrushes.

Birdwatching Group Meeting

Langcliffe Institute Langcliffe Institute, Langcliffe, North Yorkshire

Our first indoor meeting of the year.